Privacy Handle

Handling of personal information

The purpose of using

Personal information provided other than direct writing will only be used within the scope of the following purposes.
Object information
Personal information about system development business
Purpose of using
For System development work
Object information
Personal information about website production
Purpose of using
For website production work
Object information Purpose of using
Personal information about system development business For System development work
Personal information about website production For website production work

The purpose of Personal Information Subject to Disclosure

We use personal information for the following purposes only. However, if there is a purpose of use that is not included in the scope of the following purposes, if the information is obtained directly, we will use it with the individual's consent. If the information is obtained in other means, we will use it after announcing the purpose of use
Object information
Personal information about business partners
Retrieval Information
Name, email address, phone number, zip code, address, company name, department name, job title
Object information
For business activities and business partner management
Object information
Personal information about employees and retirees
Retrieval Information
Name, email address, phone number, zip code, address, date of birth, gender, health examination results, specific personal information
Object information
For hiring and personnel management
Object information
Personal information of job applicants
Retrieval Information
Name, email address, phone number, zip code, address, date of birth, gender, educational background, work history, etc.
Object information
For recruitment notification and selection to applicants
Object information
Personal information about inquiries
Retrieval Information
Name, email address
Object information
For responding to inquiries
Object information
Retrieval Information
Name, email address, phone number, zip code, address, company name, department name, person in charge, log information, service usage history
Object information
For account creation and service provision
Object information Retrieval Information Purpose of using
Personal information about business partners Name, email address, phone number, zip code, address, company name, department name, job title For business activities and business partner management
Personal information about employees and retirees Name, email address, phone number, zip code, address, date of birth, gender, health examination results, specific personal information For hiring and personnel management
Personal information of job applicants Name, email address, phone number, zip code, address, date of birth, gender, educational background, work history, etc. For recruitment notification and selection to applicants
Personal information about inquiries Name, email address For responding to inquiries and service quality improvement
Personal information of Cloud BOT users Name, email address, phone number, zip code, address, company name, department name, person in charge, log information, service usage history For account creation and service provision and service quality improvement
Personal information of GRIDEA users Name, email address For account creation and service provision

Consignment of personal information handling

We may outsource all or part of the handling of the personal information to our outsourcing contractors.In that case, we will select a contractor who can confirm that appropriate safety management is being implemented, and who is taking necessary measures to prevent leakage of personal information by properly managing and maintaining confidentiality of personal information in contracts, etc.

Regarding Security Management Measures

Our company takes the following safety measures to address the risks of personal information leakage, loss, destruction, and other potential dangers.
Organizational Security Management Measures: Develop regulations concerning the handling of personal information, including methods of acquisition, utilization, storage, provision, deletion, and disposal, as well as the responsible persons, individuals in charge, and their duties, for each stage of the process.
Conduct regular audits of the handling of personal information to assess its status.
Human Security Management Measures: Provide regular training to employees on the handling of personal information.
Physical Security Management Measures: Implement access control measures in areas where personal information is handled, including managing the entry and exit of employees and restricting the introduction of devices and equipment, to prevent unauthorized access to personal information.
Take measures to prevent theft, loss, etc., of devices, electronic media, documents, etc., that handle personal information. When these devices, electronic media, etc., are carried within the organization, including during internal movements, encryption or password controls are implemented.
Technical Security Management Measures: Implement access controls to limit the scope of individuals and databases handling personal information.
Introduce mechanisms to protect information systems handling personal information from unauthorized external access and malicious software.
Awareness of External Environment: Implement security management measures after understanding the systems related to the protection of personal information in the following countries where personal information is stored.

Requests for disclosure of personal information

1.If the person request the disclosure of personal data such as notification of purpose of use, disclosure(Including records of third-party provision), correction of content, addition or deletion, suspension of use, erasure and suspension of provision to third parties(hereinafter "disclosure, etc."), Our company shall respond to the requests without delay after an internal investigation of personal information * However, we may not be able to respond to disclosure, etc. depending on the content of your request. In that case, we will also answer the reason.

2.When making a request for disclosure, etc., please follow the steps and make a request by mail. We may not be able to accept your request if there are any deficiencies or insufficiencies in your request.For each request for disclosure of personal information or notification of purpose of use, a stamp of 1,000 yen will be charged as an administrative fee.

3.3Personal information received from the "Request for Disclosure of Personal Information" will be used for responding to inquiries and will not be used for any other purpose.
When the person makes a request When requesting a request for disclosure, etc., please prepare the following documents and send them by delivery record mail.

1.Personal Information Disclosure Request Form(PDF file)
Please download the above file and fill out the form.
2.Identification document
A copy of documents such as a driver's license, passport, health insurance card, etc. that can confirm the person's name and current address.
When requested by an agent If the person requesting disclosure, etc. is a legal agent or an agent delegated by the person, please enclose the following documents in addition to the documents given in the preceding paragraph.

[For legal representative]
1.Documents to confirm that you have legal representation
A copy of the family register and, in the case of a parent, a copy of the health insurance insured card with the dependents written on it are also acceptable.
2.Documents to confirm the identity of the legal representative
A copy of documents such as a driver's license, passport, health insurance card, etc. that can confirm the name and current address of the agent.

[for a privately appointed agent]
1.Power of attorney (documents attached to invoice for disclosure of personal information)(PDF file)
Please download the above file and fill out the form.
2.Personal seal certificate (issued within 3 months)
3.Documents to confirm the identity of the delegated agent
A copy of documents such as a driver's license, passport, health insurance card, etc. that can confirm the name and current address of the agent.
* For details on disclosure, etc., please contact the disclosure request contact point.

Contact point for inquiries and disclosure of personal information

Name C-RISE Ltd.
Address #101 Tanakabiru2, 19 Kyoden, Takaoka-shi, Toyama-ken, 933-0874 Japan
Personal information protection manager Masanori Murai
Contact TEL. 0766-50-8580

The name of the authorized personal information protection organization concerned and the settlement of the complaint

Authorized personal information protection organization Japan Users Association of Information Systems (JUAS)
Complaints resolution of offers Office of authorized personal information protection organization
Address: 8F Nihonbashi Horidomecho Nichome Bldg., 2-4-3 Nihonbashi Horidome-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo,103-0012 Japan
Date of enactment: February 3, 2017
Effective Date: November 30, 2021
Effective Date: July 21, 2023
Effective Date: October 2, 2023
* Please note that the above is not the contact information for our products and services.